Benjamin with Grandfather Emil, Macau, 1997
Grandpa with Benjamin, USA, 2000
Benjamin (14) China, 2009
Death, I think is really life
The living. I'd call dead
To leave this human mortal strife,
and in new paths be led
Death, I think is beautiful,
A new and happy home,
To live then with the father
And away you'll never roam
Death, I know brings sorrow,
And often drops a tear;
Then you think your end has come,
But it's only life that's near
//// //// Emil Roth, my beloved grandfather who just passed away, is quite vague in my memory as I was very small when I met him. He was always kind and generous, and I being a child, remember all the little gifts and drinks and the pats on my head...
When I heard the news of his death, it was not as painful and sad; he had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior and was going to heaven. Perhaps he was glad he could go, knowing that he had nothing left in this life. As 1 Corinthians 15:55 says, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” There is no more pain and fear in death when we believe in Christ. It is a comfort to know that my beloved grandfather is with Christ.